Assessing Supervisor Potential

In a recent post, I talked about turnover in the supervisory ranks.  Add to this the fact that more than 10,000 baby boomers reach retirement age every day. Companies are increasingly likely to need a succession plan that includes supervisor development. I'd like to begin with how to assess your internal talent for supervisory potential.

It's about knowing your people. 

  •    Who is dependable with a natural ability to lead?

  •    Are they influential?

  •    Do they exhibit the courage to challenge the status quo?

  •    Do they have an interest in supervising others?

  •    Do they understand the challenges that come along with managing others?

  •    Will they be able to change their relationship with co-workers?

  •    Are they willing to learn?

How do you know these things?  By having meaningful conversations and regular one-to-one meetings.  Be curious and listen to what your employees have to say. Gather feedback from other leaders.

Another point of consideration is their level of emotional intelligence.  How well do they manage their emotions as well as read and respond appropriately to the emotions of others?  Do they have a good understanding of their strengths and opportunities for improvement? Do they understand the how and why behind their work--what their behavior style is and their workplace motivators.

A high level of emotional intelligence and understanding of oneself also increases one's level of understanding and empathy for others.

We have just scratched the surface.  In next week's blog, we will delve into some highlights of the individual development planning process.

If you would like information on assessment tools that can help measure behavior styles, workplace motivators, and emotional intelligence, message me at



Effective 1:1 Meetings - Essential Skills for Leaders


Essential Skills for Leaders - Developing Your Supervisors