Conflict Resolution Skills for Supervisors

One of the trends shaping work in 2024 is the need for supervisors to have solid Conflict Resolution skills.  With the geopolitical issues, pushback to DEI efforts and upcoming elections conflict between employees is inevitable which in turn negatively affects individual and team performance.

Conflict resolution is not an intuitive skill and can be intimidating for unprepared supervisors.  To successfully navigate this topic, organizations can invest in training, mentorship, and leadership coaching.

To see the best ROI from your investment, remember to tie the successful use of these skills into your performance review process. After all, what gets measured…gets done. 

Here are some tips on dealing with conflict as a supervisor:

Be Proactive.  Set expectations with your team for mutual respect and inclusion.  Help them understand that everyone wants to do a good job, be liked, and contribute. Each of us has a unique background and lens from which we view the world, and we need to appreciate each other for our differences.

If someone says something that offends us don’t assume bad intent.  They may not realize it was offensive. Everyone has different levels of self-awareness. Encourage empathy and active listening. 

Respond Timely. The moment you notice an employee stepping out of bounds, talk to them in private.  Ask them if they have thought through whether what they said was offensive or how it might hurt others. Encourage them to apologize to their co-workers. Realize you may also need to mediate in the moment between and among employees.

Manage Emotions.  Remain calm. Show empathy and actively listen.

Zero Tolerance. Lastly, if an employee is blatantly acting out or a repeat offender…it’s time to start the performance management process and give them an official warning. 

#leadership development #supervisoryskills #teammanagement #managementtraining


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