Put Your Oxygen Mask on Before Helping Others

I remember the first time I flew; I was listening to the flight attendant give her safety talk. She said, “In the event of an emergency the oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling. Place your mask over your face before assisting others.” What a revolutionary, and at the same time simple concept this was. How many of us apply this advice in our daily lives?

October 10th is World Mental Health Day and this year’s theme is workplace mental health. In honor of this, I’m going to share snippets from a session I am facilitating next week on Mindfulness and Resiliency because we’ve got to take care of ourselves before we can create value for others.

Mindfulness is the practice of living in the moment, observing your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It reduces stress and anxiety. Practicing mindfulness gives you greater well-being and helps you navigate change and challenges.

Resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks. Think of stretching a rubber band and releasing it without it snapping.

Here are tips for practicing mindfulness and building resilience:

See challenges as opportunities

Exercise regularly and get plenty of rest

Acknowledge your feelings, journal, and get a professional coach

Practice Gratitude

Spend meaningful time with family and friends

Believe in your abilities, and build your positive intelligence (PQ)

Share because you care. I hope you will share this quick reminder with your friends and colleagues. These are stressful times and we all need a reminder to take care of ourselves.


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